We enjoy
reading about the exploits of the puppies we have raised that are now in new
homes. For a long time, we just read and enjoyed them within our family. But
we realized that some of you want to hear about the good (and the
challenging) things others have found from getting a new puppy. So, we're
putting some of the comments here on this page for others to refer to.

He puts the toys in bed by himself! He walks around our space from time to
time, grabs any toys scattered about (we rotate them but there are a few clear
favorites we always leave out), and he collects them all in his bed. We wondered
if it was a possessive thing but nope, we can walk up and take toys out
ourselves no problem, Smokey would just rather keep it neat!
Hi Toni!
I hope you are well! We have been very busy with Smokey but he is such a joy! He
loves his crate and will put himself to bed if he feels like it’s getting late.
The snuggle puppy with a heartbeat was a HUGE help the first couple of days but
now he just likes to snuggle with the stuffed puppy on its own. Speaking of
snuggling, OH MY GOODNESS, this little guy will do ANYTHING to take a nap on
your lap. He just likes being around people and wants to be friends with every
person he meets, adults and kids alike. He’s been introduced to a few puppies at
similar points in their vaccination schedules at the advice of our vet and he’s
such a good dog friend! He’s especially nice to the (physically) smaller puppies
he's met :)
We’ve had very few issues with potty training, he really does view grass as his
potty area! He’s gotten into a good routine so we’re able to act proactively
instead of reacting - we’re learning too! Smokey pretty much taught himself to
sit - we’ve had to reverse engineer it being a command! He’s such a polite
little guy that he just started sitting by himself when we pulled out a treat or
went to feed him. He’s got the hang of “Come”, “Fetch” is going well, and we are
working on “Stay” and “Place”(sitting in his bed in the living room).
We 100% hit the jackpot with Smokey. He’s such a good dog and we really can’t
thank you enough. I forgot to mention above, but he literally slept almost the
entire trip home and has proven to be an amazing car dog! I hope you and your
family are doing well, thank you so much again!
PS: It’s easiest to take his picture while he’s sleepy, he is a very busy puppy
2021 Ford x Casey puppy

Good morning Toni.
My name is Sheila. I purchased Maggie (aka Princess) from you a few years ago. I
cannot thank you enough. She is a happy, healthy, spoiled dog and is so loved by
I had to tell you this story... Back in June 2014, I was tired so I went to take
a nap. Maggie was sniffing my chest, then started digging at it. I was pushing
her off because it hurt, but she kept doing it. I stood up and felt the area,
found a small lump which ended up being triple negative breast cancer.
I am 44 years old. This type of cancer is not easily detected and did not show
up on my mammogram. Most women with this type of cancer usually don't find it
until the late stages. I am stage 1.
If it wasn't for Maggie, I wouldn't have found it in time!
I had a double mastectomy and currently undergoing chemo. My last treatment is
this Thursday! Yay!
I've attached a few pics of Maggie:) Thank you so much!
2010 Bandit x Nellie Glynn

It has been a whole year since our little man was born and he has been a big
part of our lives. He has grown so much since we picked him up and yet he is
still the smallest one in the house aside from the cat. I had asked when we
picked him up if you would like to see any pictures of him as he grows and while
I don’t intend to keep bombarding you with pictures I wanted to show you how he
has grown. He is still very vocal about being left alone and does not like to
even be left alone in a room when we walk away. He has gotten better about being
as loud when he is with the other boys when we need to leave for work, but he
still announces his displeasure with our working. I wanted to take the time to
thank you again for raising him and allowing him to be a part of our family. I
look forward to potentially getting more beagle babies in the future if they are
still available. Thank you again.
-Daniel and Ashley
Stoney x Dani 2021 (Ranger)
Clark x Nellie Glynn, 2014 (Captain)

Good evening, Toni!
I hope that you and your family are well. I just wanted to give you an
update on Smokey as he comes up on 5 months!
First off, this little guy is SMART. He picks up commands very quickly and
you can actually see when something clicks for him in his little face. Smart
does mean sassy, but he still does as he’s told, he’s just going to tell us
about how unfair he thinks it is XD He’s got quite the voice already but he
uses it extremely, extremely judiciously for a beagle.
He passed Puppy Class with flying colors and our trainer actually asked us
to join the Intermediate class (we would have anyways, but it was really
nice :D)
On to “stats”, as of this past Monday he weighed in at 17 and a half pounds
and the best we can measure he’s right at or slightly above 13 inches tall.
The vet says that he’s a perfect weight for his size and she’s very pleased
with his development. He’s got tons and tons of ticking, as you suspected :D
He’s a very handsome little dog and we get lots of complements.
He’s so, so even tempered and already is wonderful with children. He enjoys
their company very much (on walks actively seeking it out) and could not be
more gentle with babies (my cousin has a 18 month old who very, very slowly
pet Smokey and he sat there very patiently with his little tail wagging the
whole time.) He has never met a stranger and is turning out to be the best
hiking buddy. He has been to a few state parks in Illinois and a few in
Wisconsin. He went to a dog-friendly brewery in
Wisconsin and to dinner right after he hit 4 months and was
fantastically behaved the whole time.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend! Thank you again for our best little
buddy :)
Laura, Matt, & Smokey
Ford x Casey, 2021

Hello Toni,
I remembered you said last weekend that you love getting puppy pictures, so here
are a few! We named the little guy Rip, after Rip from the show Yellowstone, and
it absolutely fits his personality. Because we are home a lot, we have had very
few accidents in the house, and we have built in some kennel time so he can nap
in peace and not rely on us always being at home or within view. He has a great
appetite and always lets us touch him while he eats or chews on his teething
toys. So far, our corgi, Sawyer, is still pretty mad that we brought home
another baby, but they are adjusting quite well to each other and they play
often. Sawyer just needs an hour or so in the mornings to wake up so he can play
with Rip once he’s done being grumpy :)
One of my favorite things about Rip is that he is a HUGE cuddle bug. Once he
gets sleepy, he’s more than happy to curl up in his blanket(s...we like giving
him a couple to choose from), on his big dinosaur toy, or in our arms. So we are
enjoying this especially while he is small enough to be held!
I just wanted to send an update because I am so happy with him, and so excited
to watch him grow up and get to know him better. Thank you for providing so much
info online and for raising such healthy, loving puppies!
2020 Stoney x Squeak

Just a 2 year update on Viva, she was one of Moo’s. Today is her birthday (March
29, 2021). She loves to snuggle, play, and go on adventures! She gives tons of
kisses and isn’t afraid to protect her people with that bark.
She’s so wonderful and very thankful we found you guys!
Opie x Moo, 2019 Tan/Red and White Bi-color

Hi Toni! Just thought I’d send you an update with some pics of my boys that I
got both from you! Abe (Casey’s male#2) has been the perfect addition to our
family! I can’t believe how easy he was to potty train because he just follows
my older beagle Hank (8 next month - Mr Haney x Nellie Glynn) around and does as
he does! I was really nervous adding another dog because Hank likes his
attention but it has totally brought the puppy out in Hank and all of a sudden
he’s playing with all the toys that have been sitting around for years - it’s
been so fun to see them interact and chase each other, my house has definitely
been chaotic but I wouldn’t have it any other way! Thanks again for letting me
adopt these two boys, I love them more than anything!
2013 Mr Haney x Nellie Glynn
2021 Ford x Casey

I hope you and yours had a fabulous Thanksgiving and are healthy and happy!
Well, my kitchen floor is covered in dog toys and water spots from drippy long
ears and we all love it! Sister Merry Puppins "Pup" (long story..and it may not
stick LOL) is doing well. She has slept in her crate the last two nights from
9pm to 6am without waking/whining or any accidents. I pray it continues. We are
still trying different things for the puppy biting/chewing and hope to figure it
out soon. We've had accidents, but not many. She will try to go the minute we
put her outside in our fenced dog kennel! We think she's pretty darn smart! The
bell on the door is a work in progress. We are ALL learning! :)
Thanks again for such a great "Pup"! We couldn't love her more!
Update, 2 weeks later...
Well, her name DID change. (My family was not a fan of Merry Puppins...they
didn't see the humor!) We named her See Biscuit Run a.k.a Biscuit We had a Bagle
before, so apparently we're using a "dough" theme to name our dogs! ;) Also,
it's a good play on words for that famous horse.
Such a great puppy! She has been sleeping all night pretty consistently, with no
accidents. We raked leaves last weekend (oak trees...lots of oak trees) and she
loved playing in the piles and would totally disappear and pounce
out...hilarious! Last night we were playing in the family room, and she was
pretty wound up. She suddenly races out of the room, right to the back door,
rings that bell and it was all I could do to get over there, get her out the
door, down the steps, into the pen and wallah, she squatted and did her
business. A very proud moment indeed! LOL!
Thanks again for raising such a great pup! We love Biscuit...the wonder beagle.
***2020 Update***

Hi Toni!
Well, a three year old Biscuit never gets stale! Hard to believe, but
true...it's been three years and this Biscuit gets better with age...mostly! She
still gets mad when you leave her behind. Still has beagle hearing and sound
when she has detected friend or foe. Some examples: Squirrel, Cat, Blue Heron
(resting in tree), Rich (neighbor with a pocket full of treats) Fox,
Woodpecker..."is someone at the door...is it Rich, is it Rich, "...need I say
more? We love a Biscuit for sure!
I wish I could send you a video of her being "shot". Imagine if you will, a
"finger" gun. She hears the bang, drops to the floor, and rolls onto her back,
legs bent above her...then, a miraculous recovery....once the "gun" is removed.
Thanks for a happy, smart and healthy dog! We will never get tired of a Biscuit!
The picture is of her and my great Niece whom I call: Miss Pickles! So this is a
Biscuit and a Pickle!
2017 Ford x Buggs

My name is Sarah, and this is Hugo! I picked him up from you guys just over 3
years ago to bring home! He’s a puppy from Ford and Baby, and it was love at
first sight when I saw his goofy white ear!!
Hugo is my first dog and my best, best bud. I couldn’t imagine life without him.
He’s been all over with me, having moved a total of 6 times in the last 3 years!
After finishing grad school we moved from La Crosse, WI to Wausau, then Kansas
City, back to Wausau, Sturgeon Bay, WI and now, finally, we have settled in
Green Bay! He loves the outdoors! Snow, the lake, hikes... you name it he’s
down! Our little family is very outdoorsy and it’s been so wonderful to be able
to take him with us on all our adventures. He rarely gets left behind! He’s also
a huge lover and requires snuggles whenever he’s not chewing on his favorite
toys or barking at the other neighborhood pooches. He has a huge personality! He
is very sassy and extremely smart. He often gives me a run for my money, but he
is also so loving and sweet. It’s been a wonderful 3 years, and while he can
really try my patience, he’s a wonderful dog. He’s even brought my very anti-dog
mother around to bring an incredibly doting dog grandma.
I just wanted to send this little update and say thank you for doing what you do
with all the responsibility and care that you do. I feel so lucky to have Hugo
in my life!
Happy Holidays!!
Sarah & Hugo
2017 Ford x Baby

Update: Nino's doing great! Fully potty trained after about 3 weeks here, he
rides the 4 wheeler and the gator, loves car rides, he's played with about 20
other dogs, loves people, fetches and retrieves like a champ (and brings it back
:) ), he's up to about 11 pounds and my vet is in love with him. He's got tons
of toys, loves laying on the couch and is very much a snuggle bug.
Thank you so much again! Give Penny and Armstrong kisses!
2017 Armstrong x Penny

Hello Toni,
How are you doing? I’m so sorry it’s taken so long to send you some pictures of
Jack. Can believe he’s 3 months old already. He recently received his 3rd round
of shots including rabies. His next visit to the vet and shots are March 16.
He’s 7+ lbs and doing great! He really seems to know who each of us are.
I couldn’t believe he would only get up once per night and now sleeps through
the night.
John and we are all so happy to have Jack part of our family now. What a
blessing he is. Potty training is good and John’s already trained him to sit,
shake, lay down, and stay. Our 16 year old James is so in love with him too and
keeps asking Jack how is he this cute? Fun to see them play and nap together
It was very cold for 2 weeks but now our snow is melting. Jack likes the snow
better than the cold weather. We are looking forward to the spring and playing
in our big backyard. We also have lots of sidewalks and trails in our
neighborhood development that we are looking forward to taking Jack on walks.
There’s also lots of big dog parks, county and state parks near us too. Our
neighborhood development is full of lots of dogs that walk on our sidewalk so he
will get to meet lots of new friends:)
Hope you and everyone there are doing well. Looks like you’ve been getting all
of the snow storms we usually get. Hope spring gets there soon too!
Take care,
Stoney x Gidgit 2020

Hi Toni,
Hope you are doing well. Here is our little Hogan on his 2nd birthday!
He’s an absolute joy and he is happy to be living on our 4 acres now!
We are grateful for all you have done to breed healthy, happy pups!
Thank you again!
2016 Casey x Trax

Hi Toni,
I thought I would send you some photos of our puppy we got from you now that she
is getting close to 6 months old. She was from Penny’s July 10th litter (Female
#3). We named her Izabella (she is called Izzie most of the time or sometimes
Izziebusy because she is so busy!). She is very, very sweet and very, very
ornery all wrapped up in one (if I can take just a couple of words to describe
her). We love her. She annoys our other beagle, Molli, quite a bit as any little
sister (puppy) would. But they also like playing. We keep telling Molli that it
is payback for when she was a puppy and her annoyance for our other older
beagle, Chloe, at that time…she doesn’t believe us. :-)
Thanks so much for the wonderful puppy. She adapted pretty easily to her move
here and I think that is because of your good care you take of the puppies
before you let them leave and that you take them away from their mother after
they are weaned…I’m guessing that helps them adapt to their new families easier.
Thanks so much! Ed and Sally O
Armstrong x Penny, 2016

Hi Toni,
We wanted to send you an update on our Archie. He is such a loved member of our
family (possibly the most-loved member). He is almost 8 months old now and an
active, curious, sweet puppy. He loves playing in the snow, going to the dog
park, and even tried sailing this fall (we will try again in the summer). We
just wanted to say thank you and share with you some photos of Archie. He is so
handsome! We get stopped all of the time and told how good looking he is, and we
couldn’t agree more. Thanks for giving us the most perfect beagle!
-Sarah, Jon, and Archie
Stoney x Dani, 2020

Photo by Lisa S
Star is warming up to Bailey, and is pretty patient with Baily who is
playing the role of annoying little brother to perfection. This whole
incident lasted 2-3 minutes, with Bailey being the instigator. He likes to
torture Star by hiding under furniture. Towards the end , Star seems to
admit defeat. (referring to a video that I can't share because I don't
know how to)
Bailey is 8 lbs now and is a true cuddle bug, with a lot of spunk. Star is
about 28 lbs and doing great. The vet is highly impressed by how good both
dogs look, their conformation and overall health.
Jay and Lisa S
Clark x Hershey 2014
Clark x Stormy 2016

Paisley is turning out to be a wonderful family dog! Our 15 year old is a great
playtmate for her! She has her own Instagram page as well :)
Attached are a few photos of her in the last couple months. Her looks have
changed so much from her puppy days.
She is a beautiful beagle and is loved dearly!
Dan and Jeanine
Armstrong x Betsy 2016

Hi Toni, here's Hogan, and he is sure is photogenic! He's almost 16 weeks and is
so smart! He can do 5 different behaviors already. We are certainly enjoying
every moment.
Just thought I'd send a cute update. Hope you are well.
Thanks again,
Trax x Casey 2016

I thought that I would let you know that Gromit is doing
very well. She was spayed last week, and recovered very quickly. She is now
about 13" and 18 pounds, so she has had a bit of a growth spurt, since the
last time I sent you an update. I get lots of compliments on her, and have
given your name to several people who were interested in beagles. Of course
her tail, gets the most comments with "her tail is so cute" being the most
common comment.
She is so well behaved that most people think that I am lying when I tell
them that she is only six months old. Most think that she is over two
because of her good behavior. She is very smart and has been incredibly easy
to train. This is probably because she is smart, and not my first time puppy
training skills. Most tricks she has learned after 2-3 tries, and never
needs to be shown again. The trainer at Petco told my training class that in
the 5 years that he has been training puppies that he has never seen one
come in so well behaved and quick to learn skills. He said that I was very
lucky to get her, and that he has never seen a beagle that is so quick and
willing to learn new skills. He said that if I wanted I could probably enter
her in a service dog training program if I ever needed it.
She still never barks, and has never chewed on anything but her toys. I
usually leave my shoes on the floor and she never touches them. I am very
happy to have her, and she has become a member of my family. I will try to
send you an update around Christmas, since I am planning on getting a
picture done for puppy's first Christmas.
Thank you again,
Brandon K.
2011 Mr Haney x Sassy

Snowflake, Agility Champion
wanted to share this with you. We bought Snowflake from you November
2009. She's a very active dog and loves to play. My kids just loved her.
My daughter worked with her this
year. Both of them showed for the first time in 4H and did a wonderful job
competing in county and state fair.
Thank you and God bless.
2009 Coppertop x Suzie Q

Hi Toni!
This is Madyson at 7 months spoiled rotten! She is such a love bug and
turning into a young lady! She spends a lot of time at my daughters
with their dog and my 2 grandson's which has made a huge difference
she just needs to be around another dog or people. Here she is
either on your lap or at your heels. She is definitely my dog but
starting to spend time with Jeff.
And she is our still our track star. Between my daughter and myself we
run her 5 to 6 miles and she still wants to play ball when we get
back! !!!
Jeff didn't think a dog could be more affectionate than our last one
but she has proven that wrong. She certainly tested the waters a
month or so ago but we are getting there and believe she is going to
be a great dog.
Just wanted to share a couple of pics with you. Hope all is well with
you and your family and the new year is going well too.
Armstrong x Penny 2016

Hey Toni, just wanted to say we got our registration papers in the mail today.
Also wanted to thank you again, we are SO HAPPY with our puppy. Henry is getting
bigger everyday and he brightens our days so much. Needless to say, we'll
probably meet again (I'm guessing in a year or two Henry will decide he needs a
playmate). But until then, here are a couple recent pictures of him. Devonn is
so happy to be a "mommy" and Henry is completely in love with her. He is right
by her side at all times. Thank you so much for being so nice and easy to deal
with. You really helped bring a new family together, and we can't thank you
2014 Hershey x Clark

Hi Toni, here's Hogan! Sure is photogenic! He's almost 14 months and is so
smart! He can do 5 different behaviors already. We are certainly enjoying every
Just thought I'd send a cute update. Hope you are well.
Thanks again
2016 Trax x Casey

Hi Toni,
Just wanted to tell you how much we love Blue. He was so shy and timid at first,
but he has fully come out of his shell. I can't get over how smart and well
behaved he is. He learned the "go potty" command in one day. He comes on
command, and he sleeps through the night and he has not whined, barked or bayed
in his kennel for more than 5 min. He is a great dog! Thanks again for
2011 Mr Haney x Farrah

Hi Toni!
I just wanted to send you some pictures of Duke aka "Farrahs boy #2".
Things are going well! He gets his last shot on Monday (rabies I believe). He is
one spoiled boy! He is 7 lbs now and getting more active every day. Potty
training was a breeze!
I hope all is well!
Thank you again and everyone keeps asking where they can get one! I'm sending
everyone your way!
2012 Mr Haney x Farrah

Hello Toni!
It has been quite a while since we have spoken. It was my dad and I that drove
out to Iowa last summer to pick up our little guy, Ollie. He was one of a litter
of 5 from Bitty Bunny and Barkshire Hathaway. We hope that all is still well
with your family, horses, beagles, and garlic!
We were writing because today is Ollie's first birthday and we wanted to update
you on how he has been and to thank you. He has been so amazing and we love him
with all of our heart! Attached you will find some of our favorite pictures from
the last year, starting with our road trip back home from your home all the way
to our most recent hiking adventure. He is so loving and energetic, fun and
playful. Our friends and family love his playful and obedient nature. His colors
and markings have turned out beautifully and his health has been perfect, his
ears are still big and floppy too. He loves to hike, go on walks, play fetch and
play tug-o-war, and he especially loves to play with his best friend Wallace (a
Brindle Boxer). He loves to cuddle up next to us and sleep with us, in general
he just loves to be where we are curled up next to us. He was easy to train, he
even rings a bell by our front door to let us know that he needs to go "empty"
outside. So thank you so much for making us the happiest puppy parents around.
Your facility, beliefs, and values when it comes to your beagles truly works.
Ollie is such an amazing dog and we are so thankful that you gave us the
opportunity to have him join our family. He celebrated his birthday today with a
very very big bone that he loves to chew on as well as brand new grown-up puppy
bed to sleep in. We feel very blessed to have him as part of our life and
blessed to have met you in the first place.
Many blessings and well wishes to you,
Evan and Shelley
Khaktus x Bitty, 2010

It's Mark and Amy from Idaho and I wanted to just send you an
update of the beagle 'Kingston' you sent to us last summer. He is the most
amazing dog and we could not have asked for a better family member. Kingston is
best buds with Mark's parents dog Murphy, they are inseparable and enjoy every
second that they have together. Kingston and I hike 45-60 min a every morning
and I couldn't ask for a better exercise partner! We are just so happy to have
Kingston in our lives and love to involve him in everything we do. He is so
beautiful, healthy, and friendly to everyone. We just got his yearly check up
and he is 21 lbs. and 14 inches tall, plus as healthy as can be!! We just love
him and wanted to send you an update on our little buddy :)
Mark & Amy
2010 Trax x Barbie

Hi Toni!!
Wow the summer is going by way too fast. Hope everything is going good
for you.
Have some new pictures of Bella for you. I saw that you changed your
address and didn't know if you got my last pictures or not.
Bella has really grown
but has finally
slowed down. She is sure a joy to have around and I am so glad that I
found your web
page and contacted you. You raise amazing dogs with wonderful
Bella is go, go, go until about 11 at night then its bed time for her
and then she sleeps
all night long. Oh yeah, she is very shy to strangers lol and doesn't
like loud noises
and she hates when Buddy barks at other people but she doesn't mind
when he barks when playing.
Will let you go for now
Will keep you updated with pictures
2013 Crystal x Trax

I just wanted to send you some pictures of Cooper and tell you thank you! He is
such a good puppy and brings so much to our lives!! He is playful, curious and
smart! He's 10 pounds now and loves his toys! We hung a bell on the door we take
him out at and for the first two weeks every time we went out we would ring that
with his paw and now he does it on his own and has had just a handful of
accidents!! Hope you have had a good summer!
Katie & Dan
2012 Mr Haney x Sassy

Toni – Filby is doing wonderfully! He’s about 15+ lbs at 5
months. I have a collection of 10 puppy teeth now. He has been taking training
classes and has learned some basic commands - sit, down, stay (for 3 seconds),
leave it. He enjoys playing in the snow and long, long walks. I’m considering
agility training for him because he has much energy, is smart, and loves to leap
over things and play games (find it, shell games where I hide a treat under a
cup). He hates baths, is scared of helium balloons (?) and loves to cuddle. He
strikes the most regal poses unexpectedly. He did this in puppy class ( like he
was standing at attention in a show ring) and folks were fawning over him. Of
course, he gets into trouble, too! We love him and his silly beagle ways Smile
Hope all is well with you and your family!
2012 Bandit x Buggs

Hey Toni,
How are things going?
Buddy is 100% housebroken and rings his little bell every time he has to go out.
He is extremely smart and learns very quickly.
And here some recent pics I have taken. He is about 14" tall and weighs 28lbs.
The vet thinks he is pretty much done growing maybe 2 or 3 more lbs and that's
Hope all is well.
Mark M.
2008 Sammy x Hannah

I adopted Lucy back in October 2011. She's the most wonderful dog. My brother in
law just got to meet her last week at a family reunion and fell in love with
her. They now want to adopt one of Lucy's sisters from an upcoming litter.
I will send you a recent picture of my little girl. She stopped growing at 12
2011 Mr Haney x Bitty

I have been going to write for months. We have Lily the puppy from Khatus and
Squirt born in March. She is a wonderful dog. She has given us many laughs and
happy times. She has been housebroken from the first week and has been able to
be alone in the house since September. When I started back to school we worried
that she would be lonesome. I think she sleeps in her bed in the kitchen during
the day and rests up for us. She did miss Taylor went he left for college but
she has loved having everyone home for Christmas break.
I still check the website almost every day and see how the other beagles are
doing and what is happening with you!
I have attached 3 pictures so you can see Lily now! We have an invisible fence
around the entire yard since July and she has been perfect with the fence. It is
so nice to be in the yard and she can travel with us and we don't have to worry.
We knew we were getting a quality dog when we picked Lily up but she is the best
natured and is a loyal companion. Thanks for raising such great dogs.
Happy New Year,
2009 Khaktus x Squirt
I asked Sue about her invisible fence experience, and she replied with more
info. We've had several puppies trained at their new homes with the invisible
fence, and have had great reports:
The invisible fence has been wonderful. We started training her in July, so Lily
was 4 months old! She was so easy to train. I did the 4 training sessions from
the company and she did great from the start. We are using the microlight collar
because I thought the regular receiver was too big. With all the snow I know her
collar does not pick up the beep but she doesn't even think about going in the
street. She is not scared of the fence either so she is a happy dog!

I recently reviewed your website for a college course I am taking, and
thought my family would drop you a line and say hello. We purchased a beagle
puppy named Toby back in 2007, from the litter of Goldie Hound and Buster
Joe. Toby now lives in New Hampshire in the snow. He has brought our family
much happiness and joy. He is a very loved and spoiled member of our family.
Thought we would send you some pictures to show you him at almost 3yrs old.
Again, we thank you,
Rebecca E. and Family
2007 Buster x Goldie

Hello! We though you may want to see pictures of Irie getting all grown up! As
of last Friday she is already 7.6 pounds!! She is doing great with house
training and is very active little girl. She has met the other family pets and
did wonderful with them! She also caught herself a sparrow on Thanksgiving
morning! I guess she was jealous of our bird and wanted one of her own;)
Thanks again!
Mark and Jamie
Coppertop x Suzie Q 2009

Hi Toni:
My wife and I were talking and said we wished we would of had a little more
time to talk with you and your family last friday when Amy bought Bailey.
Amy had her checked out by our veterinarian because he wanted to see her when
Amy got her home. Our vet said you run an excellent kennel and do a
fantastic job with dogs and pups from what he saw in Bailey.
She has already learned to go to the door, come up the back porch steps and
ramp. She has already had her first puppy barks. She is giving Kaylee (our
other beagle) a hard time, like kaylee used to do to the yellow lab. She is
such a joy and pleasure to have. She likes to bite your toes pull hair and
all good puppy things. Best of all she knows the meaning of the word no.
You are a credit to the Beagle Breeders and you never know we may get
another one someday from you. We found the diamond brand dog food for Bailey
at one of our local groomers and pet stores.
Please stay in touch and we plan on recommending you and your kennel to all
people we know who mightwant a Beagle.
Glen, Helen, and Amy
Khaktus x Liz, 2011

My new alarm clock is a bite on the nose.
That tells me she has to go out. She is really good about that ....sniffs
her way to the door and looks back at me. This morning after doing what
doggies do when you first let them out, I was praising her and she was so
excited because she knew she did good that she hopped up in the air and did
a 360 and took off running. She is so awesome. The only time I have been
apart has been yesterday and today at work. When I got home, she came
running up to and managed a little bark.......Dad said he let her out
yesterday and when she was done she scratched on the door to be let back in
and ran right up the stairs and plopped into the pile of clothes I had on
the floor and went to sleep. She has mastered the stairs. She tears around
the house and yard at a 100 miles an hour and when she hits the linoleum in
the kitchen and turns, her back end slides out from her. It is so cute.
We have a grocery bag with a box of milk
bones in it that sits on the floor and she pulls that all around the
kitchen. She also loves TV.....the first night she put her paws up on a
little footstool we have in front of the TV and was watching the screen with
her little tail wagging like crazy. She will sit in the chair with me and
watch it, tilting her little head back and forth watching the whole screen.
In the car, she crawls into my lap and goes to sleep. Or lays next to me up
against the console.
She is just the best and everyone who has
seen her has fallen in love.
Rob in Utah
"BayLeigh," 2007 puppy, Ho-Jo's Buster Joe x Rons Ramblin Rose

Bart is one of Sal's puppies, and Maggie is a sister
to a couple of our beagle mothers.

Hi Toni and family,
I want you to know that Maggie is growing and flourishing just fine. She is
aggressive and runs the household. She loves playing and attacking her older
brother Jack. I emailed you and told you that I hired a dog photographer,
and she did such a fantastic job. I'm attaching a couple of pictures. Let me
know if you want a couple of just Maggie for your web page. We got more pics.
of Jack, he just loved the camera. Maggie, not so much. She's still so young
a just wants to play, and not cooperate or act on queue. I'll have to hold
off on her acting début. I call her Maggie Waggie because her tail still
wags a mile a minute. Everyone who meets them can't believe they are not
biologically related.
Take Care,
Gina, Jack, and Maggie
Buckwheat x Haley 2007 puppy

 Hi Toni, Just thought I'd share a
picture of our Marley with you. He's growing so fast, we can hardly
believe it! He's been such a great puppy, thanks so much for all of
your help and for raising such quality puppies! Chelsey R
Buckwheat x
Suzie Q 2006 puppy

Hi Toni, we took Sonny in today and she said everything looked good.
Everyone thought he was so neat and had never saw a beagle that color.
They gave him his shot and he is doing ok, right now he is resting. I
had them do a fecal exam and it came back negative so that is good =)
He weighed 5.5 pounds. I brought in his health record and she said she
thinks he should still have 3 more shots just to be safe. Is that
normal for them to want to do that? (Answer: Yes...we give 4 shots
in the series, but some veterinarians feel 3 is sufficient) The
vet also gave me a heart worm protection medicine. Well have a good
Always, Crystal
Khaktus x Rainey 2009 Puppy

 Toni, Here are some pictures of
Spike. As you can see he's adjusting just fine!!!! He started
Chewmania at about the 5th day of his arrival and we were thinking
we should have named him Chewy, but we were given some corrections
to give him and he's catching on just great. He had only woken up in
the middle of the night once (that was the second night he was here)
and he's had a few inside accidents, but that's to be expected. He
and the other dog get along Great!!! We'll keep you updated!!
Thanks, Shelly

Thought we would send some recent pictures of the two
beagles we purchased back in August, (think they were from your 1st
letter at the end of June). The tan and white is the male (Lucky)
(wow! everyone who has seen him has been impressed) and the tri-
colored is the female (Kenya). They were spayed and neutered about
two weeks ago. We could not be happier with the dogs. Thank you very
much. Darren and Shannon
Buckwheat x Suzie Q 2006 puppy

Hi Toni-
I just thought I should take the time and let you know how the puppy is
doing. My husband got home with her about 11:30 pm Saturday night, she is
so beautiful and so little. We really love her :-)
Our other dog, Sunny (a rat terrier) is starting to adjust to the new
addition to the family. She didn't quite know what to think about getting a
sister after being an only child since we lost our last beagle in 2002.
Bailey and Sunny are doing a lot of running in the yard so the puppy is very
tired by the end of the day. Its really cute when Bailey can't catch Sunny
when they are running she barks are her. It is the cutest little bark. My
daughter said that Bailey howled for the first time today, I can't wait to
hear it!
She sleeps in bed with my daughter and sleeps very good, Heather only has to
get up once a night to take her outside. it is really amazing she really
doesn't cry at all. I remember when the other dogs were young pups and we
first brought them home at night time they would cry a lot. Why is it when
you get a puppy the puppy always wants to eat the adult dog food and the
adult dog only wants to eat the puppy food? I think that's our biggest
problem with the two of them, they wait until they are really hungry to eat
because we won't let them eat each others food.
She is adjusting very well and we are really enjoying having her as part of
our family. I will send you pictures as she grows so you can see how she's
Thank you very much for allowing us to adopt one of your puppies. It is
wonderful to have a beagle in the family again. I love all dogs but there
is a special place in my heart for beagles, the first dog I remember my
family having when I was a child was a beagle named Lady and I have just
always loved beagles. When my daughter was 2 years old (she is 17 now) and I
felt she should have a dog I went out and got a beagle. So as you can see I
have a history with beagles, I think they are the most loving dogs you could
ever have and they are excellent with small children.
Take care and thanks again,
Buckwheat x Clara 2007 puppy

Hi Toni,
I thought I would just drop you a line and send you a recent picture of our
puppy, Apple, whom we picked up from you last December. She has grown into a
beautiful dog and gets along so well with Katie (our King Charles Cavalier
Spaniel) who is also in the picture. She's very obedient, energetic, kind and
smart! I can't thank you enough for allowing us to have such an important and
cherished member of our family.
Dan Ho x
Clara 2006 puppy

Hi Toni,
I keep meaning to drop you an email and then I don't get a chance. I hope that
things have settled down for you guys.
Baron is doing great -- he never even acted like he had, had surgery (except he
tried to lick the stitches). . . he would run around and go crazy as if
everything was normal. We've had to really try to keep him settled down for the
sake of the stitches and healing. . but he is doing awesome!! He really likes to
rough house with JR. . . and he likes to curl up and snuggle with me (he is
sleeping on my feet as I write this!!) He seems to be getting adjusted -- he
sleeps well (except when he needs to go out), likes to tickle us with his cold,
wet nose, and we're all getting along great! I was going to attach a couple of
brand new pictures of him, but I just realized I haven't uploaded them to the
computer so here are two from the airport. . .
Have a great weekend!!
Deborah and JR
Buster x Goldie 2007 puppy

Thank you for the update Toni. We are doing great. "Fionna" is
so fun. We renamed her Manny. She is almost through potty training and loves our
former dog Lexa which is a shih zu. They are constantly playing and
entertaining each other.
Thank you so much for such a beautiful well mannered puppy!!!!
-Courtney V
Buster x Lemon Liz 2008 puppy, 2 weeks after receiving her

Hi Toni!
Brittany here just saying hi! I have Rose's female puppy #3 and just wanted
check in! Sorry it has taken me so long to get in touch but school and work and
the puppy has made life super busy ha. We named her Mazie. Honestly, she is the
most beautiful, adorable puppy we have ever known. The vet even told me that
when they took her in the back that everyone who saw her said she was one of the
"cutest puppies they have ever seen." No lie.
She really is wonderful. She is super smart (already somewhat knows come, sit,
stay, down, paw, etc even though she is a treat driven dog already haha) and
almost completely crate trained. She can only make it to about 3 hours or so in
the her crate during the day and very verrrry seldom has an accident. Sleeping
at night is a piece of cake! She goes to bed at about 11 or 1130 and wakes up at
7am or later and goes right outside. We have a German Shepherd who is 1 now and
they just LOVE each other. At first it was a bit scary to see them play because
Kailee, our GSD, has HUGE teeth and they of course, show their teeth when they
play. Now Kailee is waiting outside my door in the morning for Mazie to come and
play. After Mazie takes her naps in her kennel there is Kailee waiting for her.
It is truly amazing.
Mazie is also great with kids. She does nip a big more than usual and gets a
little over tired and mouthy when she needs a nap. Otherwise, she is a wonderful
puppy. I remember you saying in one of the first e-mails regarding Rose's
puppies, you mentioned that this may be her last litter, and of course after the
accident I understand even more, but will this litter be her last for sure? We
have a Cock-a-poo who is very very old and probably has a year left at the most
and I know that as soon as he goes my mom wants another dog. Now that we have
Mazie, my mom, who grew up with Beagles, has just fallen bank in love with the
breed, which is obviously very easy to do! I know she will want a male and know
Mazie will eventually need a friend too when I move out someday so you may find
us to be repeat customers in the future because we could not be happier with
I included a few pictures. They are mostly of just Mazie playing, some with her
and Kailee, and another with our little cousin (she is sleeping in the pic but
it really shows how amazing beagles are with kids and how easy...Mazie just
sleeps and lets anyone, even little kids, wake her up, take her toys away, and
so on).
Thank you again for everything! Have a very Merry Christmas!!!
Coppertop x Rose 2008

I thought that I would send
you some pics of Gideon so you could see what he has grown up to be. We love him
so much. He is truly a indispensable member of our family. He is now completely
house broken of course, likes to chase laser pointer lights, loves anyone and
everyone, gets along with other animals and is such a loving and sweet dog. We
couldn't be happier with him.
Thanks for our newest member of the family. And if we ever decide to get a
second puppy, we will definitely be coming back to you.
Buster x Rose 2007

I just wanted to drop you a note on how well Cali our pup we got last summer is
doing. We got her to do search and rescue. She is an amazing dog, I never
realized what love bugs beagles are. She is only 16 months (almost 17) but she
has had a busy time.
In June she passed her CGC, and my daughter showed her in her 4H dog show and
she won Champion dog in conformation. Then the beginning of July we passed our
first NASAR certification for search and rescue.
Then two weeks ago we were called out on our first search, yeah super exciting,
then disappointing for Cali by the time we got there the search was over, a
passer by found the kid walking out of a corn field and brought him back. She
was really excited, she loves to work and is super smart.
She is a princess and makes sure everyone around her knows that she is. We
couldn't have asked for a better dog!!!
Thanks again
Amanda Rose

I don’t know if you remember me, but you are responsible for
my existence. I was born on your property on the 5th of October last year. That
means I just turned six months old. I thought I’d bring you up to date on my
life, if you’re interested.
I currently have two people and one dog. After the male person
took me away from you (I cried and cried and cried), we ended up at some place
I’d never seen before. The female person was surprised to see me, but she seemed
to like me. The dog I haven’t figured out yet. When I first saw him, I was
really happy and jumped up tried to lick him, but he ran away. Imagine, a big
dog like him running away from me. He’s sort of started to tolerate me, I think.
Now that I go outside many times each day, we play chase on the grass (when
there was snow on the ground, my people wouldn’t let me out; something about I
might get chilled being so young). I chew on sticks that are on the ground, and
I sniff all over the place. One thing I heard my female person say is she wishes
I’d go to sleep outside, but there’s just too much stuff to see and hear to even
think about going to sleep.
My male person seems friendly, but he’s strict. I can’t get
away with doing things around him that I can around my female person. But he
still pets me, hugs me, scratches me, and... And what? He puts a leash and chain
collar on me and makes me walk all over the place. The second weekend (whatever
that is, but that is what both my persons called it) I was with them, he made me
walk and walk. I don’t know what 4 miles is, but he said we walked that far. At
least one morning a week he takes just me for a long walk so we can have some
quality time. One time he took me to see someone who, to his surprise, was
afraid of me. She said she was afraid of all dogs. All sorts of other people
were coming into the place where we were, and they all petted me, but she was
afraid OF ME!!
Anyway, I like those walks. But now he’s doing something else.
He has this thing called a bicycle, with some pole coming off the back of it
that he hooks me to. Now we go
places with that, but faster. I like to trot along between 5 and 6 MPH.
Sometimes I try to pull him faster, but he doesn’t oblige too often.
My female person was really worried and upset with me when I
first came because I was always peeing (forgive my language, but urinating is a
big word for a dog). Of course, I was drinking water a lot, too. I got some
pills that I ate with some hot dog pieces, and that helped me a bit. It may have
just been my age, but I’ve slowly gotten better. My female person still takes me
out more than I think I may need, but she says something about being better safe
than sorry.
I like to play a lot. I really like to play with Bear, the
other dog. He doesn’t play with me that much, though. Maybe it’s because I
always start playing by biting him, most of the time somewhere where he can’t
reach me to pull me off. Someone said I was mean because of that, but I just
want to get him to play. He leaves me along a lot and goes downstairs. Or, he
goes to what is called a “safe zone”, in front of my male person’s chair. I
can’t bother him when he’s sitting or lying there. When I can stand it no
longer, I finally go to sleep. It doesn’t take much to wake me up, but I sleep
off and on during the day. I almost always sleep through the night–at least
until someone gets up and disturbs me. Then I get up, get taken outside to
relieve myself, and go back to bed.
Sometimes I go right back to sleep, and other times I feel I
don’t need any more sleep. And, when I don’t need any more sleep, neither does
anyone else in the house. It’s amazing that my little 20-pound body has so much
Well, I’ve probably bored you, and I’m sorry about that. Have
you heard anything about my brothers? Are they doing OK? I overheard that my
daddy went somewhere else. I hope he has a good time wherever he went.
But, most of all, I want to thank you for letting me go to
these persons. I think I’m growing on them, which means all I have to do is
figure out which one does what for me, and I’ll have it made.
And from her "host family" a year later (the ones she lets live
in her house):

Hi, Toni,
The past year has been an adventure. Abby is definitely, smart, stubborn, quick,
demanding, and a few other things. I wish I had a video camera to let you see,
and hear, her chasing a basketball around the yard. She just punctured the 2nd
basketball in about three weeks, but it deflated just enough that it still semi
rolls, yet she can pick it up and carry it.
She and I, sometimes alone and sometimes with Bear, take extended strolls
Saturday and Sunday mornings. The longest we've done, as measured by a GPS, is
an 8-mile jaunt. Normal Saturday jaunts are between 4 and 6 miles, with Sunday
being somewhere around 3-4 miles. And, yes, I walk every step also. Health
people say we should walk 10,000 steps a day; I get that done well before
I've attached six pictures of her taken today. They aren't
that great, I'll be the first to admit. I have an extremely slow responding
digital camera, so what I was hoping to get isn't at all what I get. One picture
I deleted was Abby with her eyes shut; must have caught her in a blink. Also,
are you sure there isn't some retriever in her background somewhere? She has an
absolutely perfect point. One slightly blurry picture I attached sort of shows
one that isn't her best by far. I was holding the deflated basketball in one
hand, and the other hand had the slow-responding camera. Hence the blur.
Anyway, just thought I'd pass this info along. I'd say it's obvious I'm not as
good a writer as she was at six months, but I can take that in stride.
All the best from Lincoln, the land of ABBY!!
Buckwheat x Suzie Q 2007

Hi, Toni!
I've meant to email you updates, and it just always seems time gets away from
me. Hershey was one of Tweetie's chocolate beagles born in December last year. I
took pictures when he turned eight months and I have one in particular that I
just love and wanted to share with you. (It's attached to the email). I just
think he's beautiful. I love his coloring and he has the prettiest eyes! He's
just the sweetest, most loving puppy!
He's really been a good boy.
He has one crazy time each evening and we say "look out" because he is WOUND UP!
He is the best snuggler ever and we just love him. It looks like you have your
hands full with a puppy boom! I saw Tweetie & Khaktus have had puppies again and
thought it was interesting how some of these were the tri-color pups.
I hope you enjoy seeing the picture! Take care!
Khaktus x Tweetie, 2008 puppy

Hi Toni! My husband and I
purchased a khaki beagle from you almost a year ago. At that time we weren't
married but we just got married June 13th of this year! Anyways, we just wanted
to share this picture of Merlin. He's been the BEST dog we've ever had. He's so
cute, friendly, and lovable. We just love him to death! I attached a picture of
his 1st birthday party which was September 15th. I thought you would enjoy
seeing this! :)
Justin & Jennifer
Khaktus x Rainey, 2008 puppy

Merry Christmas! Tom & I
have been sitting and enjoying the photos on your website. I bet with no puppies
around it is VERY quiet at your house. Thought we would send you a few new
photos of Deuce He was named for Deuce McCallister who used to play for the New
Orleans Saints. We went to New Orleans in Oct and brought him back a doggy
jersey. He loves to cuddle. He is naughty sometimes but we truly love him and he
is such a joy to our life. Thanks. Hope 2010 is a good year for you. Stay in
Tom and Dawn
Khaktus x Rainey, 2008 puppy

We wanted to let you know that Ruby (Rainey's Female #3) had a wonderful vet
visit on Wednesday. Our vet said over and over again what a beautiful and
healthy pup she was. He was also impressed with the level of care she'd received
prior to us picking her up and was appreciative of the records you provided. She
is settling into her new home nicely, and even slept from 9pm-6:30am this
morning without making a peep! She is also obsessed with our older dog and they
have been playing a lot of follow the leader. After we picked her up, we did end
up stopping on the way home at a hotel and she got to encounter her first
Thanks again for being a wonderful, responsible breeder. We could not be happier
with our little pup.
Megan and Thomas
Khaktus x Rainey, 2012 puppy

Hi Toni,
I have been meaning to send you an email since we picked up our beagle puppy
(his name is Riley), but he has kept us pretty busy, along with the holidays!
Riley is the most adorable and precious puppy in the world! It must be great to
have them around all of the time.
We were a little concerned about how he would get along with our cat, but the
cat basically avoids him (which is good) when he wants to play with her. He gets
along great with my son's dog, they tire each other out running around the
house. He loves everyone in the house and every person who came by for Christmas
(of course, they fell in love with him also!)
He is not quite house trained yet, but getting there. We basically watch him
constantly and take him out when it looks like he might need to go, or about
every hour or so. He has become accustom to his kennel, when we need to leave
for a bit. We leave music on and it seems to calm him. Of course, he always
starts out with a bit of howling (it is amazing how loud a little puppy can be!)
He is getting spoiled with all of the attention! He also howls & barks when you
leave the room and he wants to keep playing. It doesn't help that everyone tends
to rock him to sleep! My wife says I spend more time with him than I did with
our 4 kids (just kidding though)!
He is also great about picking up anything he can find for chewing (we've puppy
proofed most of the house). It is amazing how he knows when he has gotten
something he is not supposed to have. He runs to hide, when we try to approach
him, he just darts away! It is a big chase!
He has some favorite toys, especially a large ball of my nephew's. He is great
at retrieving a toy you through and returning it.
On his third day with us, he got diarrhea, so we took him to the Vet. They
thought it might be something he caught on the plane trip. The test came back
and it was not a parasite, so they said it was probably some type of infection
or related to food. He went to the Vet again today for his last shot and chip.
He weighted about 6.5lbs, so growing fast! Vet said he is very healthy.
I have not registered him yet, not sure when we are supposed to do this (I guess
any time?)
I am so lucky to have Riley. Thanks for raising such a precious puppy!
Trax x Hershey 2009 puppy

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