Cedar Ridge Beagles
c/o Toni Perdew
(the best method to reach me is via e-mail)
Bedford, Iowa
here for additional contact information.
Our premises are monitored via video
surveillance for your puppy's safety!
Toni Perdew
3005 Lexington CT
Bedford, IA 50833
Most of the people who contact us and
buy beagle
puppies are looking for a beagle because they have had one before.
That tells you something about the breed. There is no other
testimonial better than the fact that people who have had beagles want
to continue having beagles.

love people, and are a healthy and
As they are so cheerful, gentle, and upbeat, they are
generally great with kids. Beagles are happy-go-lucky dogs that are a
pleasure to be around.
We love our beagles for the same reasons that
have made them a Top 10 Dog for decades...their abundant love for people and
gentleness with children. Readers Digest lists them first in their Top 10 Breeds
for families with children. Squidoo web site says: "These dogs are probably the
ideal dog for any family, especially one with small children. Beagles are good
with children of all ages."
Beagles are a small to medium sized dog
(generally 11" to 15" tall and 15 to 30 lbs....our puppies
vary in size, depending upon the parents) with short hair and good
The average life span of a Beagle is 12 to 15 years.
They are fairly minimal shedders, which is
another benefit of owning a beagle! In fact, chocolate tri and lilac
tri beagles shed even less than the other colors in our experience...though it
could be that their hairs are a neutral color that just hides better. But, they
are not "non-shedding."

Beagles don't require baths very often,
but it can be fun to suds them up from time to time!
While beagles are a very healthy purebred dog, they
can have some common health problems, as can all breeds. Conditions
sometimes seen in beagles include cherry eye, obesity, and ear
infections. Other more rare problems include
epilepsy and arthritis. I
rarely hear of epilepsy in beagles, so imagine it is a very small
percentage of beagles that have it. Arthritis...the older a beagle
gets, the more likely it might have arthritis...just like people! Because beagles are often used in lab testing
(due to their small size, good nature under even poor circumstances), a great deal
is known about their health when compared to other breeds.
The best beagle environment includes a high-percentage
of partnered time (either
with people or with another beagle) and room to play. House
beagles will appreciate and need daily walks, as beagles have been
bred for centuries to be working dogs, and need exercise and "sniff
time." A
fenced-in back yard is ideal for a beagle!
Beagle Advantages
- Extremely friendly dogs
- Known to be good pets for children due to their
good dispositions (they are on the Readers Digest Top 10 Breeds for
Families with Children)
- Fairly minimal shedders (they do shed more in the
- Crave human relationships
- Get along well with other dogs
- Very healthy compared to most pure breeds. See
our "Learn More About Beagles"
page to read about the health problems that are sometimes seen in
- Come in a variety of sizes, from 10" tall to 15"
- Hardy, and can live indoors or out in all seasons.
Even in cold climates, beagles can live outside with access to an
insulated/enclosed dog house. We had one years ago that wanted to
sleep in the hay barn at night with the barn cats...they all
snuggled together in the hay. Of course, most do appreciate climate control,
though! :-)
Beagle Disadvantages
- Love to follow scents (rabbits especially), and
get sidetracked easily
- Should be taught early to respond to "come."
- Prone to getting overweight if allowed to eat at
- They don't bark often, but when they do,
it is loud!
- Beagle puppies bark quite a lot right after
weaning, and may bark for a few days in their new home when left
alone...loudly. :-)
- Beagles are probably not the best choice for a
dog if you live in an apartment, work a lot of hours, and don't plan
to go for a walk/run every day with your dog.
- Beagles are possibly difficult to train beyond
the normal/basic commands. Too much schooling is not fun for a
beagle. They would rather snuggle or play with you than spend hours
learning to walk through a hoop tunnel or jump over a meaningless
board set up on blocks. But, many successfully do agility classes!
Make your training fun, and a beagle will be happy.
Our adults will bark when a skunk comes around (yea!) or when
disturbed by an animal, but they
sleep when we do and don't bark when there isn't a reason. :-)
dogs have come from long-term programs that have selected dogs for proven
dispositions and sound, healthy constitutions. When we find that a dog has a
tendency to reproduce a poor characteristic, we spay/neuter him or her.
We do not raise Pocket Beagles because they
so often are not purebred beagles. There are some breeders whose
really-tiny beagles "look" purebred, I imagine. I have looked
around a few times, and
what I have seen looks to be a beagle crossed with a toy-sized
breed. We want to make sure that ours are always purebred beagles,
so have not gone in that direction.
W e DO have some
much-smaller-than-average beagles, but we don't "call" them pocket
beagles or mini beagles because we don't want to misrepresent their
puppies. Puppies don't always take after their parents in size. They
can take after grandparents and great-grandparents as well.
Visit here
to learn more in-depth information about beagles.
Cedar Ridge is located near the intersections of Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska. We are about 2 hours each from Des
Moines (Iowa), Kansas City (Missouri), and Omaha (Nebraska).
Please don't be offended if we ask you questions
about your experience with puppies and the facilities you have for
your puppy. We want to make sure our puppies will remain with
you for many years. We won't require you to guarantee us anything (for
example, we don't require spay/neuter promises without a health reason), but
we do want to feel happy, knowing that you will be a great family for
our puppy to join.

Beagles: A Quick Overview |