"Stoney" is a medium-shade Hare Pied AKC-registered beagle. At
one year old, he was smaller than average-sized beagles, but
still has some muscle to put on his frame. He weighed
around 18 pounds at 1 year, and probably weighs around 22 lbs
now that he's fully mature. Stoney does not overeat, and
naturally stays trim/fit.
Stoney's first litter arrived in 2019, and he has sired multiple
colors including tri,
chocolate tri, tan bi-color, and hare pied puppies.
Two Stoney x Gidgit males (above) that are a combo of color
genes from Gidgit and Stoney that lightened their eyes to a
greenish-amber color.
Stoney x Dani, above
Stoney x Gidgit 2020, above