Cedar Ridge Beagles
c/o Toni Perdew
(the best method to reach me is via e-mail)
Bedford, Iowa
here for additional contact information.
Our premises are monitored via video
surveillance for your puppy's safety!
Toni Perdew
3005 Lexington CT
Bedford, IA 50833
Most vets consider spaying/neutering around 4-7 months of age to
be proper/normal protocol. Some are experimenting with early neutering (8 to 10
weeks). The following articles address when to have this performed, why, and how
it is done.
General Spay/Neuter Information
Early Spaying and Neutering
Soap Box
are not our whole lives, but they help make our lives whole."
-Roger Caras |
Humane Society of
the United States
It's a LOBBYING GROUP, not an animal-shelter provider!

Copyright Notice
We support spaying and neutering your puppy
when it is old enough. You might even choose to utilize your local Humane
Society to help you with such health care for your pet.
But later, when you get a flyer in the mail
asking for your donation to help animals, look closely to see where the
flyer came from! Did you know that
the "Humane Society" and the
"Humane Society of the United States" are
NOT the same organization?
Your local Humane Society feeds and
houses unwanted/lost pets and tries to find homes for them, educates pet owners, often offers low-cost pet health care,
and provides humane euthanasia when necessary.
The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS)
is a lobbying group that spends a HUGE amount of dollars lobbying
governmental institutions every year, paying for lavish fundraising and
celebrity endorsement, and paying their executive
officers. Many of their higher-up members have freakish goals such as
a forced vegan society for everyone and a country where NO animals could be kept as pets. They use pictures and slogans that make it appear that
they are supporting animals in need of care, but instead, they are a
lobbying group that spends the vast majority of their money on
advertising, salaries, etc. There are many sites on the 'net that have collected
quotes from higher-ups in HSUS:
Read Here
Or Here
Breakdown of their 2008 spending is now hidden (not online), unless you
look hard on their web site, showing that only about
0.54% of their income was spent on
shelters/caring for animals (Perspective: this would mean that for every $20.00 donated, only
about eleven cents (11 ¢) was used to support shelter animals in 2008).
Read this.
They are Masters of Deception in my opinion...please do not support them
until you have researched what their goals are, and by that I don't mean
by asking THEM what their goals are. You won't get the whole story from
I know this could make a few people mad at
me, but I hope that the rest of you will donate to your LOCAL Humane
Society (a real shelter), and not to the extreme beliefs of an organization such as HSUS
that has some officers that seem to ultimately want to make eating meat
and owning pets illegal.
HSUS Spending Breakdown Indicates Blatant Misleading
2008 Financial Information: Per 2008 IRS tax
return–Main focus Lobbyist Organization:
- Employees (555) Compensation/Benefits $37,792,786.
This is 84 times as much as they gave to hands-on dog/cat/pet shelters.
Note: Over $10 mil more then 2007, Directors alone received $2,634,996;
- Total fund raising expenses $24,215,236 (spent to raise more
money...gifts, etc.) This is 84 times as much as
HSUS gave to hands-on dog/cat/pet shelters.
- Professional fund raising fees $4,009,552;
- Investment fees $2,447,392
- Travel $5,368,401
- Mailing costs $10,155,616. This is 22 times as much
money as HSUS gave to hands-on dog/cat/pet shelters.
- Payments to direct mail and telemarketing organizations $49,223,988.
This is 109 times as much money as HSUS gave to hands-on
dog/cat/pet shelters.
- Support for organization outside US for animal welfare and education
- There's more, but I'm conserving room.
- Support to HSVMA for spay/neuter and vet training $2,934,315. Actual spay
and neuter was only 7500 animals at $1.2 mil of that total
AND SAVING PETS, yet their advertising is highly centered on this via their
pictures and wording. They know that this is how to generate the dollars.
this isn't new! Here is the 2006 breakdown: 2006 Tax Return:
Return of organization exempt from income tax
- $91.5 million Amount HSUS received from direct public support
- $85.8 million Amount HSUS spent in Functional Expenses such as:
- $28 million spent on HSUS Salaries and Benefits (ABOUT ONE THIRD OF THEIR
- $17.8 million spent on mailing costs
- $8.9 million spent on publications and campaigns
- $3.7 million spent on travel costs
- $127 million Amount HSUS has in stocks, and publicly traded securities.

One of my many issues with HSUS is that their propaganda makes it
appear that your contributions help pets in need, while the majority of
your donations actually go toward salaries, pensions, lobbying, and payment of
celebrities and others. Of course, I despise many of their practices and
beliefs...if they aren't stopped, it won't be long until companion animals
(like the family dog) are illegal.
If you are considering donating to an
organization to help animals, please donate to your local
Humane Society or shelter, and not the
HSUS (Humane Society of the United States), so your money will be appropriately spent...helping animals.
The same is true for PETA...find out what their beliefs REALLY are, and
not from their own propaganda. HSUS and PETA
Quotes and/or Beliefs
Under construction...there is so much out there that
this will take a while! HSUS Vice-President for Laboratory
Animals John McArdle thinks that brain-dead humans should be substituted for
animals in medical research. “It may take people a while to get used to the
idea,” McArdle said, “but once they do the savings in animal lives will be
In October, just a few months before he became an HSUS
staffer, Shapiro told the 2004 National Student Animal Rights Conference
that “nothing is more important than promoting veganism.”
Buried deep within HSUS’s website is a disclaimer noting
that the group “is not affiliated with, nor is it a parent organization
for, local humane societies, animal shelters, or animal care and control
agencies. These are independent organizations … HSUS does not operate
or have direct control over any animal shelter.”
They even oppose using bug sprays to kill mosquitoes.
[Expressing opposition to use of bug sprays] "Only a few of the million
you kill would have bitten you." (Dr. Michael Fox, HSUS, Returning to
Eden, Fox publication) HSUS employees have complained to
the press that their organization wastes its resources on fundraising expenses
and high salaries for its chief executives. Robert Baker, an HSUS consultant
and former chief investigator, told U.S. News & World Report: “The Humane
Society should be worried about protecting animals from cruelty. It’s not doing
that. The place is all about power and money.”
HSUS spreads propaganda in our schools. Through its
National Association for Humane and Environmental Education, as well as a
series of animal-rights-oriented publications, HSUS spreads animal-rights
propaganda to schoolchildren as young as five.
John "JP" Goodwin, HSUS President:
Regarding arson at a farmer’s feed co-op in Utah that caused almost
$1 million in damage and could easily have killed a family sleeping on the
premises, Goodwin told The Deseret News: “We’re ecstatic.”
“My goal is the abolition of all animal agriculture,” he has
written to one Internet activist mailing list....this
means no farms producing meats, eggs, milk, cheese... (source)
Ingrid Newkirk, Executive Director of PeTA, has said:
"Even if animal research resulted in a cure for AIDS, we'd be against it."
(Vogue, Sept. 1989)
"I don't use the word 'pet.' I think it's specieist language. I prefer
'companion animal.' For one thing, we would no longer allow breeding ... as the
surplus of cats and dogs declined, eventually companion animals would be
phased out, and we would return to a more symbiotic relationship - enjoyment at
a distance. (Harper's Magazine, Aug. 1988)
"The bottom line is that people don't have the right to manipulate or to breed
dogs and cats ... If people want toys, they should buy inanimate objects. If
they want companionship, they should seek it with their own kind. (Animals,
May/June 1993)
If you are considering donating to an
organization to help animals,
please donate to your
Humane Society,
not the
HSUS (Humane Society of the United States),
so your money will be appropriately spent...helping animals.
The same is true for PETA...find out what their beliefs REALLY are, and not from
their own propaganda.
Want to Learn More?
Check Out HumaneWatch.org,
who keeps an eye on those lobbyists at the
Humane Society of the United States!

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Our Pet Store Philosophy
"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face."
-Ben Williams