Cedar Ridge Beagles
c/o Toni Perdew
(the best method to reach me is via e-mail)
Bedford, Iowa
here for additional contact information.
Our premises are monitored via video
surveillance for your puppy's safety!
Toni Perdew
3005 Lexington CT
Bedford, IA 50833
Crate Training Tips for Puppies
Crate training is definitely a BIG help in house training (potty
training) a puppy. Some people think that crate training means to put a puppy
into a cage and rarely let him/her out. That is NOT the case. Crate training is
a part of the puppy's training, and also serves to teach the puppy that he/she
has a safe haven to retreat to when she's tired.
What size should you buy? From this description, I
think a 3' long crate would be great for beagles. We have a couple wire crates
this size, and there is more then enough room for our adults to lay down and
stretch front and back legs out:
http://www.cuhumane.org/topics/crate.html "Crates can be purchased at
pet stores, department stores, and from pet supply catalogs. Look for a wire
crate that includes a removable metal floor pan. Plastic crates can also be
used, although some dogs will chew the plastic. For your pet's comfort, look for
one with a smooth floor. Purchase crate large enough for your pet to stretch
out on its side and to sit or stand erect. If you have a puppy, it is more
economical to buy a wire crate that will accommodate him as an adult, then
partition it to the right size. A movable wire or pegboard partition can be
made or purchased. Too large a crate can undermine housebreaking because your
pet may eliminate at one end of the crate and lie down at the other. For
bedding, use an old blanket or buy a washable crate pad. Depending on size and
construction, a new crate may cost $40 - 150. This is a bargain compared to the
cost of replacing a sofa, woodwork, or carpeting."
Helpful Links
He already appears to be making good progress. Locked him in the pet carrier
yesterday while at work, and much to my surprise, he didn't even pee in the
carrier. It's a large dog carrier, so I figured he may go a little. I took
him outside after I got home and he went #1 and #2 outside, finally! I fed him
a full meal around 5:30, and a couple bites before bed. He only got up once
last night around midnight. I took him out and he did #1 and #2. we went back
to bed and he slept with me until this morning.
-D. S. (Day 4 after picking up puppy, first day of crate training)